Thursday 30 April 2020

The World's Oceans

Do you remember learning the seven continents of the world last half term? 
Can you name them all?
Here's a catch song that will help you learn the five oceans of the world;
If you want to find out more about globes and atlases have a look at this BBC Bitesize page;
From Mrs Binnie

Robin Hood - Chapter 2

Much is getting into trouble with the Sheriff of Nottingham in Chapter 2;
Your challenge for today is to turn these two pages into a hilarious, short comic strip.
You could include speech bubbles, thought clouds and sound effects. 
Here's the front cover of a comic version of The Adventures of Robin Hood to inspire you;
I'd love to publish all your comic strips on the blog if you e-mail them to;
From Mrs Binnie

Marvelous Maths!

Continuing our learning on data handling have a go at answering these five questions;

EXTRA challenge! Some children were asked about their favourite pets. 
Use this information to create a bar graph.
Write your answers in the comments box below or e-mail them and a photograph of your bar graph to;
From Mrs Binnie

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Marvelous Maths!

Wow! Well done everyone who created a bar graph using the data they gathered from around their house! Don't worry if you found it tricky as we're going to be making lots more bar graphs this week. Here's Zayd's bar graph that he made of things he counted around his house:
What did Zayd have alot of?
Can you have a go at creating another tally chart today? 
This time it's about fruit!
EXTRA challenge: can you create a pictogram or bar graph using this data?
E-mail photgraphs of your tally charts and bar graphs to;
From Mrs Binnie

The sound of Robin Hood!

Here is an orchestra playing the theme tune for the film of Robin Hood. 
⭐⭐⭐Quick Quiz⭐⭐⭐⭐
1. How does the music make you feel?
2. What instruments can you spot?
3. What can you imagine Robin Hood doing in the film whilst this music is playing?
4. What music have you been listening to whilst you've been at home?
Post your answers in the comments box below or e-mail them to;
From Mrs Binnie

Zoom in with Zayd!

It's been really lovely to talk to some of Year 2 this week.
 I've been so impressed with all the fun things and learning that you've all being doing! 
Today Zayd e-mailed me five zoomed in photos of different objects around his house. 
Can you guess what each object is and what material it is made from?
Write your answers in the comments box below.
From Mrs Binnie

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Well done Year 2

🌟🌟🌟🌟Excellent Work! 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I am so impressed with all the different things you have been getting up to at home Year 2. Our school inbox has been filled with exciting e-mails full of pictures of all your amazing home learning. Here's some of the different things you've been doing at home;


Keep up the great work Year 2! 
I'd love to see and share on our blog more photos of what you've been creating, making or learning at home. If you'd like to share them e-mail them to;
From Mrs Binnie

Science - Zoom in!

Do you remember guessing what different materials were in Science last half term? 
What do you think this is?
You can zoom out of it to find out on this website;
Using a camera phone or tablet can you take Zoom in photos of materials around your house? 
Ask someone in your house to guess what they are!
From Mrs Binnie

Marvelous Maths!

Using the data that you collected yesterday from your house, I would like you to think of a creative way for you to record this data. Here was my data from yesterday;
Maybe you could draw pictures to represent your data?
Or you could use symbols? Or lines?
Be as creative as you want to be!
E-mail photographs of your work to;
From Mrs Binnie

Can you draw Robin Hood?

Well done Year 2 on all your excellent work on Robin Hood! Here's Vinda's fantastic Sherwood Forest sentences. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great blogging Vinda!
Can you draw and label Robin Hood?
Here's a picture that you could use to help you;
When you're labelling your picture you could include words that describe Robin Hood's personality as well as what he looks like such as brave, fearless or skillful. 
I'd love to see your pictures if you e-mail them to;
From Mrs Binnie

Monday 27 April 2020

Treasure Island

Well done Year 2 on your fantastic birds-eye view maps - they were brilliant!
Here's Penouel's excellent bird-eye view map!

Today your challenge is to make your very own treasure island pirate map like the one below!
E-mail photographs of your maps to;
From Mrs Binnie

Sherwood Forest

The story of Robin Hood is set in Sherwood Forest. 
Today I'd like you to write some sentences describing the setting of the forest. 
Think about your five senses; what can you see, hear, feel, smell and taste in the forest?
Read your writing aloud to someone to check it makes sense and to see what they like about your writing. 
You could even type up your writing in the comments box below. 
From Mrs Binnie

Marvelous Maths!

I hope you all had a good weekend Year 2. 
This week we are going to be learning all about handling data. 
Do you remember making tally charts and bar graphs last half term?
Watch this BBC Bitesize video on organising data and tallying.
Can you collect some data from around your house?
I have collected some data on cutlery.
Collect data on anything in your house and then present it in a table like my one.
You can collect data on ANYTHING- be creative!
From Mrs Binnie

Friday 24 April 2020

Animation Project - These are the Hands

Have you done your illustration for the animation project yet?
Ms Radar is looking for lots of photos of your fantastic drawings to illustrate the poem These are the Hands to make into an animation. Like Buddy and Della's drawing;
My brother Kieran is a doctor and he's really looking forward to seeing our animation.
Here's a photo of him at work today;
The deadline is the 1st May so e-mail your drawings to Ms Radar at;
Here is the poem that your drawings can pull their inspiration from;
From Mrs Binnie

Our school garden is growing!

While we've all being staying at home Mr Bignall has been visiting our edible playground at school to look after and water all the flowers and vegetables. 
Here are some photos of the Year 2 flower bed - it's looking so green already!
Mr Bignall pulled out some of the plants and look what emerged!
Do you know what vegetable this is?
What do you think it might taste like?
Can you think of anything delicious that we could make to eat with it?
Post your ideas in the comments box below.
From Mrs Binnie

Robin Hood - Chapter 1!

Well done for all your predictions about what might happen next and about what Much Middleton might be about to see.
Here's what happened next in Chapter 1 of  Robin Hood;

⭐⭐⭐Quick Quiz⭐⭐⭐
1. Why was the Sherrif of Nottingham Robin Hood's enemy?
2. What are taxes and who has to pay them?
3. What do you know about Robin Hood?
4. What do you think will happen next? Why?
Write your answers in the comments box below.
From Mrs Binnie

Marvelous Maths!

Well done for everyone who had a go at the maths problem yesterday. 
The answer was that Simon ended up at the Restaurant 
Thinking back to all the learning you have done this week on position and direction have a go at answering these three questions;

For an EXTRA challenge have a go at this problem;
Post your answers in the comments box below. 
From Mrs Binnie

Times Tables Rock Stars

Well done Buddy, Vinda, Marcus and Victoria for playing Times Tables Rock Stars this week!
Give yourselves a massive pat on the back - great work!
To log on to play times tables rock stars. 
I'll let you know next Friday who has been playing regularly - the challenge is on!
From Mrs Binnie

Thursday 23 April 2020

Let's go to the British Isles!

I was blown away with Zaineb's amazing drawing of the British Isles. Isn't it great!
So inspired by her work;
 Can you have a go at making the five flags of the British Isles?
You could use paper and straws, or cardboard from your recycling, or twigs from your daily exercise, or even pencils and fabric - you choose!
I'd love to see what you create - e-mail a photograph or you and your British Isle flags to;
From Mrs Binnie

Marvelous Maths!

I hope you practiced using your right and left hands yesterday because today we're going to be using our right and left to solve a problem!
 Watch this song to remind yourself;
Then have a go at answering this problem;
For an EXTRA challenge have a go at this problem;
Post your answers in the comments box below. 
From Mrs Binnie

Robin Hood - how the story starts!

Well done for all your predictions about what might happen in the story Robin Hood. 
It's such an exciting story! Have a read of the first page of Robin Hood;
Who do you think is shouting?
What might they be saying?
What do you think Much Middleton is going to see?
Post your ideas in the comments box below
you could draw the character who you think is shouting and a speech bubble of what they are saying and e-mail it to;
From Mrs Binnie

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Can you create a bird's-eye view?

What would your neighborhood look like to a bird as it flies above? 
We call this a bird's-eye view.
Can you draw your local area from a bird's-eye view?
Perhaps you could add in a route where you sometimes walk. 
Or maybe even include De Beauvoir Primary School in it. 
Here are some ideas to inspire you;

                  E-mail your bird's-eye view pictures to;
From Mrs Binnie