Friday, 17 July 2020

PHSE - Transition

What an amazing year we have had together Year 2!
As the Summer holidays are getting closer, it's time for us to reflect on our time in Year 2.
What things have you enjoyed about being in Year 2?
Here are some photos of our year together;

Soon we will be in Year 3, which means a fresh start for all of us.
Do you have any worries about starting Year 3?
What are you excited about for the new year?

English - Billy and the Dragon Reflection

 Today is our last day reading and writing about the book Billy and the Dragon as we're all about to start our summer holidays. 

What did you like about the book?
What did you dislike?
Have a go at completing this refections table on the book. 
What books are you planning on reading over the summer holidays?
From Mrs Binnie

Maths - White Rose - Friday Maths Challenge

Today, we are going to be solving the Friday Maths Challenge using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 9, Friday Maths Challenge). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Thursday, 16 July 2020

Billy and the Dragon, Firework alliteration

Today we are learning to use alliteration to describe a scene.

Using crayons and washing over them with water,
or using paint and a straw, can you create a firework picture that is similar to the story?

Maths - White Rose - Compare Mass

Today, we are going to be learning how to Compare Mass using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 9, Compare Mass). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Billy and the Dragon, Character description

Today we are writing a character description of Billy.

Add adjectives around the outside of Billy to explain her appearance.

What about on the inside? What kind of person does Billy seem like?
You might want to think about what Billy has done in the story. Think about her actions, her behaviour and how she talks to others. 
What have we found out about her?
Write your ideas inside of Billy's outline. 


Wednesday: P.E. Day

Everyday before Lunch the Year 1 and 2 bubble have been doing their daily mile. 
Well done to everyone who's been joining in with the daily mile at home.
Find out more about joining in at home on their website by; Clicking Here
In PE today we're going to be thinking about how we can improve our stamina and fitness.
Here's a Joe Wick's Video that you could join in with at home to help improve your fitness;
From Mrs Binnie

Maths - White Rose - Four Operations with Length

Today, we are going to be learning about Four Operations with Length using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 9, Four Operations with Length). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Science - grass

In class we are planting grass seeds so that we can observe them growing.
You could also plant grass seeds at home.

Before you do this think about:

Watch this timelapse of grass growing.

What did you notice happening?

Follow this video at home to make your own grass head. This experiment will also work with just a plastic pot as well.

Happy growing!

Billy and the Dragon, Puppets

The illustration above is the scene we are acting out today.
To create your stick puppets, you will need paper and lolly pop sticks.

Simply draw your characters, cut them out and stick them onto the lolly stick.
This will act as your story prop for when you re-tell the story.

Find out more on how to create these puppets by watching this video:

You will need to create a puppet of Billy, Fatcat and the Dragon.

Once you are done, use different tones and expressions to retell the part of the
story where Fatcat is taken away. 

You could even rehearse and create a puppet show for your family at home.

Maths - White Rose - Compare Lengths

Today, we are going to be learning how to Compare Lengths using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 9, Compare Lengths). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Monday, 13 July 2020

Billy and the Dragon, Onomatopoeias

 Today we are learning about onomatopoeias. 

Onomatopoeias are words imitate or copy the sound they describe.
Have a look at these examples:

Onomatopoeias can add meaning or dramatic effect to your writing.

Today we are going to be describing this image from Billy and the dragon, using onomatopoeias.

Take a look at the illustration, what dramatic sounds could be used to describe what is happening?

Why not try...
creating some artwork with your onomatopoeic words? Can you make them LOOK the way they sound?
Megan Lowe on Twitter: "Whooshing into the weekend with ...

Art - Front Covers

Today in art we used oil pastels and felt tips to make our own versions of our favourite picture books.
We're going to put our finished artwork up in the school library so that the whole school can see it when we all return after the summer holidays. 
⭐⭐⭐⭐Quick Quiz⭐⭐⭐⭐
1. Who is your favourite author?
2. Which book has your favourite front cover?
3. What makes a brilliant front cover?
4. Which colours do you think work well and why? 
4. Who is your favourite illustrator?
Extension Task: Can you draw your favourite front cover?
From Mrs Binnie 

Maths - White Rose - Measuring Length (cm)

Today, we are going to be learning about Measuring Length (cm) using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 9, Measuring Length (cm)). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Friday, 10 July 2020

Billy and the Dragon, Letter

Today we are writing in role as Billy.

We are writing a letter from Billy, to her animal friends, telling them what
she has been up to and what she plans on doing.

Your job is to write this letter, explaining that you are ok and that you will be rescuing Fatcat.

Take a look at my example before you start writing.
Remember to:
Write in the order that the events have happened.
Talk about how you are feeling.
Use adjectives to describe what you have seen.
Include capital letters for names and places.
Write in the first person (I) as if you are Billy.

PSHCE - Gratitude

This week in PSHCE we've been thinking about what we are grateful for.
We thought about thinks we were thankful for. We thought and talked about;
 What is gratitude? 
 How do we feel when we give thanks?
How does it feel to be someone who receives thanks? 
Then we made and wrote thank you cards to people who have helped us and who we are thankful for. 
Message for your adult at home;
There are lots of ideas of how to help your child's wellbeing on the Place 2 Be website. 
Which you can access by;
From Mrs Binnie

Maths - White Rose - Friday Maths Challenge

Today, we are going to be doing the Friday Maths Challenge using White Rose Maths (Summer Term, Week 8, Friday Maths Challenge). On the White Rose website there is a video lesson explaining the strategies you will need and providing exercises for you to practise at home. 
Scroll down and find the tab for Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June)
The worksheets form part of the home learning booklet available from school. 
This booklet can also be e-mailed to you if you e-mail;
From Mrs Binnie

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Science - Food chains and the sun

In Science today we are learning to identify and name different sources of 
 food within a food chain.

Remind yourself what a food chain is here:

These food chains have been mixed up. 
Can you put them in the right order by drawing a food chain for them?

What if I told you that we could stretch or extend the food chain until we actually get to the sun?
The plants get their energy from the sun, so that means the sun would go before the plant in our food chain.
Can you add this to your drawing?

What happens to the plant when it dies? Or what happens to the plant when it comes out of the herbivore as poo?

The sun is the most important part of a food chain.
Could sunlight combat metabolic syndrome?
Each food chain relies on something that eats plants from the soil and plants need sun to grow.

Plants get energy from the sun and energy from plants is eaten by creatures that get eaten by other creatures. We call this a transfer of energy.