Monday 22 June 2020

English - The Golden Wonderflower

We're starting our new book today which is about a Fox who loves plants, who goes on a quest to find the very rare golden wonderflower. 
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Quick Quiz⭐⭐⭐⭐
1. Where do you think the book is set? Why?

2. Looking at the front cover, does it remind you of any other books you may have read? In what way? 

3. Do you think Fox will find the golden wonderflower? If you do, where do you think he'll find it?

4. What do you think the golden wonderflower will look like?

5. What might Fox do if he does find the golden wonderflower?

Extra Challenge: Can you draw and label what you think the golden wonderflower might look like?
Post your answers in the comments box below or e-mail them
From Mrs Binnie

1 comment:

  1. Zayd
    1. Set in the forest
    2. Fantastic Mr Fox
    3. Yes because if that is what the book is about it will have to happen. Otherwise the book will be lame.
    3”4. Golden with a little green. Will look like a sunflower.
    5. He would go crazy with happiness.
