Tuesday 12 May 2020

Edible Playground

Thank-you for the photographs of the lifecycle of violas - they're fantastic!
Another plant that's been growing in our edible playground is cut-and-come-again salad leaves. Learn more about them on the RHS website
Since we've been at home something I've been missing from school is our delicious salad selection at school. My favourite is the grated carrot salad. I tried to make my own version at home using these recipes;
Have you tried making any salads at home?
Have you had anything to eat at home like we have at school?
Do you still have fish fingers on Fridays?
Do you remember making healthy pizzas at school?

If you'd made anything delicious recently I'd love to have the recipe if you write it in the comments box or e-mail a photo of it to;
From Mrs Binnie


  1. Zayd has been eating lots of pizza but has not made his own. He helped his dad make some hummus as well as making a simple salad with a garlic and tahini dressing

    1. That sounds delicious! I love hummus with carrot and cucumber sticks. Mmmmmmmmm

      From Mrs Binnie

  2. Hi Mrs Binnie

    Here are my answers:
    Yes. Salads, baked beans, chips, chicken nuggets, fish fingers, bolognese, tuna baguete,ham and, cheese sandwich, rice and chicken, orange ,apple juice, yoghurt,apple crumble, cakes. No sometimes

    Yes. On Sunday me and my sisters asked our mum to make gingerbread family she helped us and was so delicious. Because we don't have gingerbread cutter but we used the ones we have, like a star,heart,angel,bell and christmas tree.

    My mum will e-mail the recipe

  3. Yummy! That all sounds delicious.

    I made gingerbread with my old Year 1 class once and they were SOOOOOO delicious. We iced them and used raisins for their eyes. Looking forward to the recipe!

    Hope you have a great day.

    From Mrs Binnie
