Thursday 7 May 2020

Marvelous Maths

Excellent work yesterday solving the money problems Year 2!
My Mum bought some bread from her local shop yesterday to make sandwiches from.
She paid using 6 coins.
What different amounts could the bread have cost my Mum?
Here are the coins she could have used;
Could you use a systematic approach to help you?
What is the MOST the bread could have cost?
What is the LEAST the bread could have cost?
How will you know when you have all the possibilities?
For an EXTRA challenge try this question.
Post your answers in the comments box below. 
From Mrs Binnie


  1. Dear mrs Binnie
    The most is :6x£2
    The least is :6x1

    My answers for the extra:

    1. Hi Buddy,

      Well done! How about if she used 6 different coins? What would the least and most the bread could cost be?

      From Mrs Binnie

  2. Hi Mrs Binnie,
    The bread could have cost:
    £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 1p = £1.86
    £2, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p 1p = £2.38

    Most the bread could have cost = £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p
    = £3.85

    Add 9 + 6 first Add 7 + 6 first

    Add 8 + 6 first Add 8 + 5 first
    Least the bread could have cost = 50p, 20p, 10p 5p, 2p, 1p = 88p

    1. Hi Marcus,

      Well done for such a detailed answer that clearly explains you're thinking - great work!

      From Mrs Binnie

  3. Zayd’s answers
    The bread could have cost £2.86
    The most it could have cost is £7.76
    The least it could have cost is £3.88 (if you use one of each coin)
    Add 9 and 6 first
    Add 7 and 6 first
    Add 4 and 8 first
    Add 8 and 5 first

  4. Hi Mrs Binnie

    I have tried my best i am not sure if it's right.

    The bread could have cost £2.00,£1.00,50p,£1.80p,£1.50,85p.

    The most the bread could cost is £2.00. The least the bread could cost is £1.50p.

    Counting my money.

    1. Hi Vinda,

      I am so impressed that you tried your best and were tenacious - well done!

      The most the bread could have cost would have been;

      6 £2 coins which equals £12

      The least the bread could have cost would have been;

      6 1p coins which equals 6p

      From Mrs Binnie

  5. Challenge question





  6. Well done for solving the challenge question Vinda- Great work!

    From Mrs Binnie
