Tuesday 12 May 2020

Marvelous Maths

Well done for answering the questions yesterday using before and after - great work!
Today we're going to be telling the time to the nearest 15 minutes.
Watch this video to refresh your memory about how to tell the time;
Then have a go at writing the time in words and in digital for each of these clocks. 
For example the first one would be;
1. Three o'clock, 3:00
For an EXTRA challnege try playing these memory games;
Write your answers in the comments box below or e-mail them to;
From Mrs Binnie


  1. dear mrs Binnie, here are my answers for maths

    half past 4
    quarter past 2
    half past 10
    7 o'clock
    quarter to 7
    half past 12
    quarter to 10
    half past 3


  2. Hi Buddy,

    Well done for telling the time for each clock - keep up the great work!

    From Mrs Binnie

  3. Mrs Binnie,
    3 o'clock
    half past 4
    quarter past 2
    half past 10
    7 o'clock
    quarter to 7
    half past 12
    quarter to 10
    half past 3

  4. Zayd’s answers
    3 o’clock
    Half past 4
    Quarter past two
    Half past 10
    7 o’clock
    Quarter to 7
    Half past 12
    Quarter to 10
    Half past 3

  5. Hi Mrs Binnie

    My answers

    1)Three o'clock
    2)Half past ten
    3)Half past twelve
    4)Fifteen past two
    5)Half past four
    6)Seven o'clock
    7)Quarter to ten
    8)Quarter to seven
    9)Half past three
